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Error Response Test

package cas.cs4tb3.mellowd;

import cas.cs4tb3.mellowd.midi.GeneralMidiConstants;
import cas.cs4tb3.mellowd.parser.*;
import cas.cs4tb3.mellowd.parser.MellowDLexer;
import cas.cs4tb3.mellowd.parser.MellowDParser;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ANTLRFileStream;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ANTLRInputStream;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonTokenStream;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;


import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;

This class runs various tests with various erroneous inputs and verifying that the compiler catches the issue and responds appropriately.

public class ErrorResponseTest {

The tests will require the instantiation of quite a few parsers so we will define some helper methods for creating parsers from a file input or a string.

    private static MellowDParser parserFor(File input) throws IOException {
        ANTLRFileStream inStream = new ANTLRFileStream(input.getAbsolutePath());
        MellowDLexer lexer = new MellowDLexer(inStream);
        CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
        return new MellowDParser(tokenStream, new TimingEnvironment((byte) 4, (byte) 4, 120),
                new TrackManager(GeneralMidiConstants.REGULAR_CHANNELS, GeneralMidiConstants.DRUM_CHANNELS));

    private static MellowDParser parserFor(String input) {
        ANTLRInputStream inStream = new ANTLRInputStream(input);
        MellowDLexer lexer = new MellowDLexer(inStream);
        CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
        return new MellowDParser(tokenStream, new TimingEnvironment((byte) 4, (byte) 4, 120),
                new TrackManager(GeneralMidiConstants.REGULAR_CHANNELS, GeneralMidiConstants.DRUM_CHANNELS));

Verification of parse exceptions is a common task as well. For a parse exception to be expected it must match the expected error text and position in the input.

    private static void assertExpectedError(String expectedText, int expectedStart, ParseException ex) {
        String failMsg = String.format("Expected error \"%s\":%d but was \"%s\":%d.",
                expectedText, expectedStart,
                ex.getText(), ex.getStart());
                expectedStart == ex.getStart() && expectedText.equals(ex.getText()));
        System.out.printf("Successfully thrown exception: %s\n", ex.getMessage());

Make sure the parser throws an error if a crescendo token is not specified which would result in some sounds being skipped and remaining in the buffer.

    public void noTargetCrescendo() throws Exception {
        MellowDParser parser = parserFor("" +
                "block{" +
                "    pp << [a, b, c]*<q> " +
        try {
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            assertExpectedError("<<", 13, e);

        fail("Compiler did not throw an exception despite a crescendo with no target being specified.");

Make sure the compiler notices the block’s crescendo target is specified even though it appears in the next fragment.

    public void crescendoTargetNextFragment() throws Exception {
        MellowDParser parser = parserFor("" +
                "block{" +
                "    pp << [a, b, c]*<q> " +
                "}block{" +
                "    ff" +
        try {
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            fail("Compiler threw an exception even though the crescendo was closed in the following block.");

    public void crescendoToLowerDynamic() throws Exception {
        MellowDParser parser = parserFor("" +
                "block{" +
                "    f << [a]*<q> pp" +

        try {
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            assertExpectedError("<<", 12, e);

        fail("Expected an error due to a crescendo being specified by the volume decreasing but nothing" +
                "was thrown.");

Due to the GM specifications we are restricted in the number of channels available. If an input contains too many different blocks such that they can not be properly distributed amongst these channels an exception should be thrown explaining the problem.

    public void tooManyBlocks() throws Exception {
        MellowDParser parser = parserFor(new File(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()

        boolean encounteredException = false;
        try {
        } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
            encounteredException = true;

        if (!encounteredException)
            fail("Expected largeInput.mlod to throw an illegal state exception about too many channels but" +
                    "it didn't.");

Test to see if the sharechannel option can be used to fix the overloaded issue

        MellowDParser parserFix = parserFor(new File(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()

        try {
        } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
            fail("Block2 sharing a channel with block1 did not fix the MIDI overload.");

Test that various incorrect variable declarations and references are caught and handled appropriately.

Make sure that attempts to index a melody are caught

    public void indexAMelody() throws Exception {
        MellowDParser parser = parserFor("" +
                "myChord -> [a, b, c]" +
                "block{" +
                "    [myChord:0]*<q>" +

        try {
        } catch (IncorrectTypeException e) {
            assertExpectedError("myChord", 31, e);

        fail("Variable myChord was a melody when it should have been a chord to index but the compiler" +
                "silently handled it.");

Make sure that attempts to make a phrase from a rhythm identifier starred with a rhythm are caught.

    public void rhythmCrossRhythm() throws Exception {
        MellowDParser parser = parserFor("" +
                "myChord -> <q, q, q>" +
                "block{" +
                "    myChord*<q>" +

        try {
        } catch (IncorrectTypeException e) {
            assertExpectedError("myChord", 30, e);

        fail("Variable myChord was a rhythm and the compiler silently starred it with a rhythm.");

Ensure attempts to use a melody identifier as a chord param are caught

    public void chordMelodyConcatenation() throws Exception {
        MellowDParser parser = parserFor("" +
                "myChord -> [a, b, c]" +
                "block{" +
                "    (myChord, a)*<q>" +

        try {
        } catch (IncorrectTypeException e) {
            assertExpectedError("myChord", 31, e);

        fail("Variable myChord was a melody and the compiler silently accepted it as a chord parameter.");

Ensure the correct erroneous identifier is marked

    public void secondIdentIncorrect() throws Exception {
        MellowDParser parser = parserFor("" +
                "myMel -> [a, b, c]" +
                "myChord -> (c, e, g)" +
                "block{" +
                "    (myChord, myMel, a)*<q>" +

        try {
        } catch (IncorrectTypeException e) {
            assertExpectedError("myMel", 58, e);

        fail("Variable myMel was not marked as the problematic token.");

Ensure that implicit chords can be overridden

    public void baseOverrideChord() throws Exception {
        MellowDParser parser = parserFor("" +
                "C -> [a, b, c]" +
                "block{" +
                "    (C, a)*<q>" +

        try {
        } catch (IncorrectTypeException e) {
            assertExpectedError("C", 25, e);

        fail("Compiler used reassigned chord identifier as a chord despite being defined as a melody.");

Ensure that percussion mappings can be overwritten

    public void baseOverridePercussion() throws Exception {
        MellowDParser parser = parserFor("" +
                "hHat -> <q>" +
                "sample ->* [hHat, tri, lBongo]*<q>");

        try {
        } catch (IncorrectTypeException e) {
            assertExpectedError("hHat", 23, e);

        fail("Compiler ignored redefined percussion sound hHat.");
